The downtown our community deserves

Pro-Busines, Pro-People,
and Pro-Lewiston

Lewiston deserves a downtown it can be proud of. A place that is a destination for locals and visitors alike. A vibrant district full of shops, restaurants, and spaces to gather. A downtown that is people-friendly and encourages community interaction.

The truth is that cars don’t spend money in local businesses: people do. This is why pedestrian access and comfort are required if you want a thriving downtown business district. Our new downtown design prioritizes street-level accessibility, giving pedestrians room to walk, gather, dine, and shop!

Calming Traffic

Nobody enjoys walking close to moving traffic. Main Street and D Street are currently designed to maximize traffic flow through downtown at the expense of a walkable, liveable streetscape.

One of the simplest ways to encourage calmer traffic is two-way streets. When facing oncoming cars, drivers instinctively slow down and are more attentive to pedestrians. This one simple adjustment will do wonders for creating a more people-centric atmosphere in our downtown business core.

Did you know that our current configuration of one-way streets is a throwback to the Cold War? In the 1950s, the city wanted to be able to evacuate the town in less than 15 minutes in the event of an incoming missile. Our community has never had the traffic volume needed to justify one-way traffic downtown. But after 60 years, everyone has gotten used to it!

Enhancing Accessibility

Parking is something that affects everyone who wants to visit downtown. And for many people, proximity to accessible parking spaces is the difference between being able to go downtown or not. Redesigning the streetscape gives us an opportunity to ensure everyone has parking within a reasonable distance of most businesses downtown.

Keeping Traffic Moving

Our current configuration of intersections limits our options while trying to cross town. Our levee bypass (built in the 1970s) route is almost two minutes quicker to cross downtown than Main or D Streets. However, the outdated intersections near the Interstate Bridge make certain connections difficult, incentivizing many motorists to drive through the business district when they have no plans to shop downtown.

Roundabouts are a proven tool for keeping traffic moving while preserving a people-centric environment.

  • For those who want to cross town quickly, better connections to the bypass and Snake River Ave. will aid motorists in getting to their destination.
  • For those who want to live, work, or shop downtown, roundabouts contribute to a calmer environment, creating a more pleasant community atmosphere.



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